December 7, 2020

Solon Salutes: December 7, 2020

                                           SOLON SALUTES

A huge Solon Salutes goes out to the MHS debate team who kicked it off with a very strong start of the season. At the Colchester Tournament on Saturday, December 5th, Neil Rohan and Kayle Humke (U32) placed first as an overall team and Amelia Woodard and Anika Turcotte, who just started debating this year, placed seventh. As for individual speaker awards, Neil Rohan placed first speaker, Anika Turcotte placed fourth, and Ania Kehne (U32) placed fifth out of 46 debaters. In addition, Montpelier High School has recently earned the 2019-2020 Leading Chapter Award in the Iroquois (NY) District. This honor, based on student participation throughout the school year, is the highest recognition a school can receive from the National Speech and Debate Association and out of 3000 member schools only 110 receive the Leading Chapter Award.


  • Change in Upcoming Dates: There will be no school for students on January 26, 2021, but MHS will have school on March 26, 2021 when other schools in the district will hold parent conferences. Our district calendar has designated Friday, March 26th for parent conferences. Due to our quarter schedule, we feel that parent conferences can be requested at any time during the quarter, and our staff would be happy to connect. In lieu of the March 26 date, and to ensure we stick to the 170 student days, Tuesday, January 26th will be a non-student day. We chose this day since many of our 10th and 11th graders will be participating in the PSAT at MHS. 
  • Picture Retake Day has Been Moved to a New Date: The new date for picture retakes will be Wednesday, December 16th. More information on the timing will be coming in the near future. 
  • December Break Travel Survey: Whether or not you are traveling during the December break or you are planning to have visitors, please fill out this survey by Thursday, December 17th to provide valuable information to our district. 
  • Masque Theatre Auditions and Tech Crew: This winter season the Masque Theatre Program will be putting on a virtual musical. We are excited to invite any students to audition or join the technical crew! To learn more, watch our introduction video: or read the details yourself HERE.  Most importantly - fill out the following survey forms by December 11th to join our ranks! AUDITION FORM  TECH CREW FORM  Audition video submissions are due by December 16. Please email or share your files with and 
  • PowerSchool Access and Checking Grades: Have you wondered how to check your student's progress on PowerSchool? Well, this video is a short tutorial on how to access PowerSchool and check on grades. It's a quick one and well worth the watch! 

  • Do you need assistance this holiday season? Stressed about having enough money to get through the holidays? MRPS Partners In Education has kindly organized a fundraiser and we will have gift cards to distribute to families who could use it. Just fill out this confidential form and a gift card will be mailed to you, no questions asked. If you need further support, please reach out to your School Social Worker, Ellia Cohen at or 802.267.4041. Follow this link to opt in for holiday support-
  • Donations are being accepted through the MRPS PIE (MRPS Partners in Education) fundraiser. Please consider donating and helping everyone in our MRPS community have a very happy holiday season. Thank you in advance for your generosity! Your gift is tax deductible. 

    • Superintendent Bonesteel's Latest Message 11/25/20: Good Afternoon MRPS - At yesterday's press conference the Governor informed the public that schools would be asking a new screening question each morning before school. All MRPS schools will be asking students if they have taken part in a multi-household gathering. If the answer is yes to this question, students are required, under state guidance, to quarantine for 14 days or quarantine for 7 days, take a test, and return to school with a negative result. If you choose to gather together with people outside of your own home, including on Thanksgiving, your children will be required to quarantine. Teachers teaching in-person will have updated google classrooms for students to access in quarantine. Their primary focus, however, will remain on in-person instruction. In addition, the Governor also announced the delay of winter sports. Please be well and safe over the next few days. Our ability to continue with in-person instruction depends on it. Libby Bonesteel-Superintendent of Schools.
    • Don't Miss Out on Free Grant Money from the State!

      Green Mountain Power • 

      There are just a couple weeks left to apply for a State of Vermont grant program to get free help paying past due electricity, telephone, water and natural gas balances tied to the pandemic. Don't miss out! The application deadline was just extended to December 15. If the money runs out before then, the grant program will close even sooner—so apply now!

      The Vermont Department of Public Service runs the program, and it is for both business and residential customers. You can learn the details to see if you qualify for the Vermont COVID-19 Arrearage Assistance Program online here: or by calling 1-800-622-4496.

      If you qualify, the money does not have to be repaid. Again – the deadline is December 15, or when the money runs out, whichever comes first. Apply now!

    • FAQs for Families in Case of COVID Cases at School: Please see Libby Bonesteel's letter to families regarding information on what could happen should a COVID case arrive at your child's school. 
    • Masks are a Must : Per Superintendent Bonesteel's letter at the start of the school year, masks are required by the State and AOE. Students must wear masks that cover their mouth and nose at all times while on school grounds. Please see our MHS poster that is posted around school. 


    • VAPING IS AT AN ALL TIME HIGH: The Vermont Department of Health has shared information from the 2019 Washington county YRBS data that 53% of our students in Vermont have used an e-cigarette or vape, and that 30% smoke e-cigarettes and/or cannabis on a regular basis. This is of particular concern during the COVID pandemic when their respiratory health is at risk. Please watch this video for additional information on: Vaping Cessation Video

    Please see the most updated information regarding flu/COVID here.


    Renée DeVore, Principal-MHS

    MHS Student and Staff Awards 2020-2021

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