March 30, 2019

2018-19: Week 32

A Solon Salute to the Interact Club for cooking a meal for the homeless and thank you to everyone who donated money to support this cause!

A Solon Salute to the Participants of the Digital Narrative Project who shared their final pieces at the Youth Voice exhibit/ reception this week at the State House. Evie Caserta, Ethan Rubin, Maddie Friend, Lila Markow, Jordan Allen-Brandon, and Alex Smart displayed their work alongside student artists from around the state.

A Solon Salute to CBL student Lydiah Duncan, who has been helping to organize PoemCity with Community Partner Rachel Senechal. During the month of April, Montpelier comes together in celebration of National Poetry Month. More than 300 poems will grace the windows of downtown, and dozens of events celebrate the written word. Check out the Poem City Event Calendar and Poem City Poets and Locations. Many MHS poets are featured! Lydiah’s poem “The Book of Me” can be found at Rite Aid.

A Solon Salute to the MHS Unified Basketball Team. The team had a great home game this past week and was featured in the TimesArgus sports page. 
Photos by Jeb Wallace-Broceur
A Solon Salute to MaryAnn Songhurst who gave a speech at the signing of the H.3 Ethnic and Social Equity Standards for Education Bill. Several members of MHS' Gender Sexuality Alliance, Racial Justice Alliance and faculty members were present for the signing as well. Junior, Hope Petraro, was also a part of helping to draft early versions of the bill. 

A Solon Salute to senior Mary Curran for being selected to the VT Senior All-Star Basketball Game, congrats Mary!

A Solon Salute to sophomores Tyler Ricker and Leo Riby-Williams for being selected to the Dream Dozen basketball team. This goes to 12 exceptional underclassman throughout the state. 
Leo and Tyler with Coach Foster
A Solon Salute to juniors Mandy Abu Aziz, Juna Nagle, Hope Petraro, and MaryAnn Songhurst. They represented the Racial Justice Alliance in presenting at the New England Secondary School Consortium this past week. Great work!

A Solon Salute to Luke Brossard for his active participation in the democratic process and engaging with the state legislators on important issues. 

  • April 1st: Presenter Dr. Michael Thompson, author of Raising Cain-Protecting the Emotional Lives of Boys, 6pm-7:30pm at UES Auditorium (Open to all). Full Flyer 
  • April 3: Robotics Demonstration in the Principal's Conference Room at 5:30pm. All invited. 
  • April 3: Afterschool program parent forum from 5:30 to 6:30pm in the MHS Cafeteria.
  • April 8: Clothing Swap! MHS will be set up in the auditorium to have a clothing swap on April 8th. Bring in your gently used clothing to join in the swap. Any clothes that go un-exchanged will be donated to charity. 
  • April 11: Starting April 3-4pm in the MHS Library "Girls Who Code"This club is open to any high school student who identifies as female, non-binary, or gender nonconforming and wants to be in a female-identified environment. If you are in grades 9-12 and are interested in joining, see me in the library or contact: Sue Monmaney
  • April 12: Day of Silence, led by the MHS Gender Sexuality Alliance 
  • April 15-19: SPRING BREAK 
  • May 3: TRY A MAJOR DAY at Vermont Tech. To participate email Sarah Loveless. She is putting together a group of students to attend.
  • May 9-11: Host Families still needed for All-State Musical Festival: Questions? Contact Choir Teacher, Molly Clark
2018-19 Handbook & Schedules

MHS Student and Staff Awards 2020-2021

 SOLON SALUTES 2020-2021 MHS Awards MHS Yearbook Dedication: Dan Miller-Arsenault Valedictory Group: (cumulative 3.9 or higher)  Mae Brown...