Please join us on January 8th for an evening with Michael Nerney. The event will be held from 6:30pm to 8:30pm in the MHS Auditorium. There is no charge to attend. Michael will share his Risky Business Presentation.
Risky Business: Why Adolescents Love Risk-Taking, and How We Can Help Manage It: 110 mph on the highway, music blaring, open containers, four teens in the car…why do adolescents find drinking alcohol and engaging in high-risk behaviors so attractive? Recent research on the adolescent brain clearly demonstrates that adolescents perceive and process risk assessment in ways that are remarkably unlike adults. Changes in receptor site numbers and sensitivity, neurotransmitter action, and social-emotional responses all combine to influence how teens evaluate risk. In this program, Mr. Nerney will offer new ways to think about and talk about adolescent risk reduction, including access to structured risk taking, and the use of “gist” language. These concepts can be applied across the spectrum of adolescent risky behaviors, including drug and alcohol use, sexual activity, and others.
A Solon Salute to Micah Wagner. We want to thank you again for sharing your time, many talents and your genuine kindness for others in your performances over the past few weeks at area assisted living residences. We also want to admire and appreciate your desire to integrate and grow your creative talents, skills and aspirations into your public school education. (From Matt McLane)
A Solon Salute to Boys' and Girls' Basketball Teams who both had strong weeks this past week. Times Argus Article
A Solon Salute to Juna Nagle and the 9 students that joined representatives from the Vermont Agency of Commerce and Community Development, Department of Labor and Agency of Education to have a thoughtful discussion about the relationship between their K-12 education and future career plans. Juna helped organize the event and the feedback I [Ken Jones] am receiving from state officials is that it was a valuable discussion. Thanks!
January 9th: Assembly with Michael Nerney and Extended TA
January 15th: Off for Martin Luther King Jr. Day
January 19th: End of Marking Period 4
January 22nd: Off for District In-Service
January 23rd-26th: Summative Re-Take Week
Feb. 13th: Incoming 9th Grader Parent/Guardian Night, 7pm.
Athletic Calendar
2 Hour Delay Schedule (Just in case)