October 1, 2017

2017-18: Week 5

A Solon Salute to these monster-sized radishes, and thank you to all of the students and faculty that did a great job in the garden again this year. We are looking forward to the Fall Harvest Celebration on Oct. 19th.

Liam, Xavier, and Allie check out the radishes in the garden.

A Solon Salute to junior Callie-Lyn Dalley. Callie is currently spending the year abroad in France through the International Rotary Youth Exchange. You can follow her blog at: http://calliefrance.weebly.com/

A Solon Salute to Arthur Kadlec. Arthur has been a huge asset to my programming class. He willingly leaves his own work to help others in the class and is unmatched in his ability to debug our programs. Our class would not run nearly as well without him! (From Ms. Machnik) 

A Solon Salute to Ms. Sarah Squier for planning and organizing our first Saturday college essay writing workshop. Thank you also to Dan Miller-Arsenault, Lissa Knauss, Sue Monmaney, and Kerrin McCadden for helping on the first of two Saturdays this fall.

  • Oct. 6th & Oct. 9th: No school for students due to Faculty In-Service and Federal Holiday. (Calendar)
  • October 19th: Fall Harvest Celebration All Day, All School Event
  • October 19th: VSAC Paying for College Night at U-32 (5:30 Q & A with Ms. Knauss and Mr. Sather about the college admissions process, & VSAC presentation begins at 6:30 focused on financial aid). 
  • November 2nd & 3rd: Conferences
Montpelier Fall Festival October 8th

RUN: Join the fun on October 8th and run the 5K VT Jaunt! This is a community event presented by the MPS Parents Groups, and along with the race will include festival games and food from 11am – 4pm at MHS. Please go to http://www.montpelierkidscup.myevent.com to register and for more information.

Volunteer: The Fall Festival is in need of volunteers. This is a great opportunity for any student to meet their community engagement hours requirement! Please forward this link to your students to sign up to help. http://signup.com/go/EdtzmvC There are fun options: sign up to be a buddy to an elementary school student on the one mile fun run or be a side line cheerleader or sign up to run a shift of one of the fun games! You don't have to sign up alone. Ask a parent or a friend or your club or sports team to join you!

Reminder: we also have booths for rent for school organizations! Make money for your club or team by running a game, or selling wares and treats (only sweets allowed to avoid competition with concession stand) Form to reserve a booth can be downloaded here or go to :http://www.montpelierkidscup.myevent.com/

MHS Student and Staff Awards 2020-2021

 SOLON SALUTES 2020-2021 MHS Awards MHS Yearbook Dedication: Dan Miller-Arsenault Valedictory Group: (cumulative 3.9 or higher)  Mae Brown...